Disable tap to click windows 10

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Now navigate to… Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Tablet PC > Cursor.Ħ. Set ‘Turn off pen feedback’ to enabled.ĥ. Navigate to… User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Tablet PC > Cursor.Ĥ. Click gpedit.msc from the programs list to open the ‘local group policy editor’ģ. Click windows start and type gpedit.msc into the command lineĢ. How to remove the splash circle in windows 7ġ. How to remove the pen and touch right click… (the radar circle)ģ.In ‘pen options’ select ‘press and hold’ and press the settings button.Ĥ.Uncheck the ‘enable press and hold for right-clicking’ option. They just get in the way and slow you down.

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This will show you how to remove the annoying circles that appear in windows 7 and windows 10 when you use a wacom tablet.They’re for touch screens, and you don’t need them if you have the wacom pen buttons.